Handgun Skills Series - Class 5 - Stoppages

Class Description:

This class is designed for new shooters and seasoned shooters who want to further develop and hone skills necessary to use a semi-automatic handgun efficiently. Students will learn new skills while reinforcing skills learned in prior training.

Topics Covered:

  • Safe Firearms Handling
  • Magazine Changes
  • Strong and support hand shooting
  • Type 1, 2 & 3 stoppages

Price: $125

Includes: Classroom instruction, range fees, targets, eye & ear protection.

Class Length: 3 Hours


Students should have a basic understanding of firearm safety and marksmanship.  Students should be able to perform basic target shooting, safely unload and reload a semi-automatic handgun. Completion of Handgun Skills Series – Class 4 – Tactical Reloading is recommended.

Required Equipment:

  • Semi-automatic handgun
  • 3-4 magazines
  • Magazine pouch
  • 200 rounds of ammo (no steel ammo)
  • Closed toe shoes
  • Range appropriate attire
  • Belt

Age Restriction:

The minimum age to attend this course is 15 years of age.  A parent or guardian must accompany these students.  Students must be 21 years of age to attend this course unaccompanied.


Register for this class online

For additional class information call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy

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