Handgun Skills Series - Class 6 - Adverse Light

Class Description:

This class presents students with the knowledge, skills and attitude for the effective and safe use of a handgun in a situation that has less than optimal lighting. Students will be presented with the opportunity of shooting in different lighting conditions, discussions of the challenges adverse lighting presents, and the opportunity to manipulate their handgun facing these situations. 

This series of classes is designed for students who are interested in the use of a handgun for sporting or self-defense. Students will learn skills which are critical in target shooting, competition shooting or personal protection environments.  

This training will benefit the new firearm owner as well as any experienced shooter interested in improving their shooting abilities.  

Topics Covered:

  • The General Challenges of Adverse Lighting Conditions 
  • Operating Firearms in Adverse Lighting Conditions 
  • Flashlight Options and Operations  
  • Cover and Concealment 

Price: $125

Includes: Classroom instruction, range fees, targets, eye & ear protection.

Class Length: 3 Hours


Students should have a basic understanding of firearm safety and marksmanship. Students should be able to perform basic target shooting, safely unload and reload a semi-automatic handgun. Recommended for students who have successfully completed Handgun Skills Series 1 through 5.

Required Equipment:

  • Semi-automatic handgun (prefer full size) 
  • 150 rounds of ammunition (no steel ammo) 
  • Flashlight  
  • Recommend 3-4 magazines or more (minimum of 2 magazines) 
  • Magazine pouch (belt mounted) 
  • Close toe shoes  
  • Range appropriate attire 
  • Belt

Age Restriction:  

The minimum age to attend this course is 15 years of age.  A parent or guardian must accompany these students.  Students must be 21 years of age to attend this course unaccompanied.


Register for this class online

For additional class information call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy

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