Concealed Carry Courses


All CCW courses are offered at the DGM San Diego location: 
1510 Morena Blvd, San Diego, CA 92110


Concealed carry, or carrying a concealed weapon (CCW)*, is the practice of carrying a weapon such as a handgun in public in a concealed manner, either on one's person or in close proximity is a responsibility that is not taken lightly.

There are no federal regulations that address the issuance of concealed-carry permits, all permitting is handled at the state or local level. All 50 states have passed laws allowing qualified individuals to carry certain concealed firearms in public, some states do not require a permit and in other states, you may only carry concealed after obtaining a permit from the designated government authority at the state and/or local level.

The San Diego County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the issuance of Concealed Carry Permits in San Diego County. You must submit your application online, pass a thorough background check, and be approved by the License Board, BEFORE attending the required California CCW License Class(s).

CA SB2 signed into law by Newsome, changes the requirements for CCW training. This bill increased training for initial applicants from 8 hours to 16 hours and renewal applicants from 4 hours to 8 hours.

The San Diego County Sheriff's Office have determined that all applications (initial and renewal) received on or before 12/31/23 may take the lower hour courses. To determine the date your application is submitted, page 3 of the your application has your signature and certification date. That is the date of the application. Even if your approval letter date or interview appointment is after 1/1/24, if you have your application submitted by 12/31/23 you are covered under the lower class hour requirements.
For additional information regarding California CCW please refer to CCW FAQ.

Register for Initial 8-Hour CCW Course

If you are required to take the 16 hour course, sign up for the desired 8 hour course, and on the course date, speak with the staff and inform them that you need the 16 hour training. They will get you set up on the desired second half 8 hour course. Currently, the demand for the 16 hour course is low and is only scheduled on a demand basis.

Register for Renewal 8-Hour CCW Course

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy


How to Obtain a San Diego County CCW (click to see available seminars & register)

Presented by San Diego County Gun Owners - SDCGO and Discount Gun Mart 

Discount Gun Mart is a proud supporter of San Diego County Gun Owners and together we have worked hard to bring California CCWs (Permit to Carry Concealed Weapons) to all of San Diego's eligible residents. We are proud to announce that San Diego County CCWs are now being issued to many county residents! The changes in the San Diego County CCW approval process are great, but there is still quite a process to navigate. DGM wants to help make it easier for you to apply for and raise the probability of you obtaining your permit!

We will walk you through the application process, review the training standards and range qualification, help you craft your individual “good cause” statement, and show you how Discount Gun Mart can help your before, during, and after the process.

The seminar will be led by Michael Schwartz from San Diego County Gun Owners and Discount Gun Mart CCW instructors. Sign up NOW! Seating is limited.

Seminar Fee is $20 (DGM Members only $10.00) Seminar fee will be deducted from any CCW or training course taken at DGM.

Register for this seminar online

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy


Initial California CCW Applicants 8-Hour Class (For those applicants that are required to take 8 hours instruction - click to see available classes & register)

Lead Instructor: Kyle Dau; Price - $200; Length – 8 hours (1 days); Prerequisites: San Diego Sheriff Licensing -- Approval Email

The license to carry concealed pistol, revolver, or other firearm within the State of California, also known as a CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon) permit is issued by the Sheriff in the County of residence. San Diego County residents must submit their application, pass a thorough background check, and be approved by San Diego County Sheriff’s Licensing, BEFORE attending the initial 8 hours total of instruction covered over 1 days. Refer to CCW FAQ for more information on how to obtain a CCW.

The class for initial CCW applicants is the required 8 hours total. In addition to the classroom instruction, this class will include range qualifications for each and every weapon up to the maximum allowed on the permit. Range fees, eye and ear protection and targets are included with the course (ammunition is the responsibility of the student). The course will cover the responsibilities and requirements for CCW applicants. Passing a range qualification is required for successful completion of this course. The base fee covers up to 4 firearms on the permit. DGM Range Members may put up to 8 firearms on the permit at no extra charge. Currently, there is no limit to the number of firearms, but due to staff requirements for testing with additional firearms, there is an $25 charge for firearms # 5-8, and $25 per each additional 4 firearms thereafter.

Register for this class online

For additional class information see our CCW FAQ; if additional questions, call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy


Initial California CCW Applicants 16-Hour Class (For those applicants that are required to take 16 hours instruction - click to see available classes & register)

Lead Instructor: Kyle Dau; Price - $400; Length – 16 hours (2 days); Prerequisites: San Diego Sheriff Licensing -- Approval Email

The license to carry concealed pistol, revolver, or other firearm within the State of California, also known as a CCW (Carry Concealed Weapon) permit is issued by the Sheriff in the County of residence. San Diego County residents must submit their application, pass a thorough background check, and be approved by San Diego County Sheriff’s Licensing, BEFORE attending the initial 16 hours total of instruction covered over 2 days. Refer to CCW FAQ for more information on how to obtain a CCW.

The class for initial CCW applicants is the required 16 hours total. In addition to the classroom instruction, this class will include range qualifications for each and every weapon up to the maximum allowed on the permit. Range fees, eye and ear protection and targets are included with the course (ammunition is the responsibility of the student). The course will cover the responsibilities and requirements for CCW applicants. Passing a range qualification is required for successful completion of this course. The base fee covers up to 4 firearms on the permit. DGM Range Members may put up to 8 firearms on the permit at no extra charge. Currently, there is no limit to the number of firearms, but due to staff requirements for testing with additional firearms, there is an $25 charge for firearms # 5-8, and $25 per each additional 4 firearms thereafter.

Register for this class online

For additional class information see our CCW FAQ; if additional questions, call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy


Renewal CCW Course - 8-Hour Class (click to see available classes & register)

Lead Instructor: Kyle Dau; Price - $200; Length – 8 hours; Prerequisites: Current San Diego County CCW

The renewal CCW class offered at Discount Gun Mart is the required 8 hours. The class should be scheduled within 90 days of the permit expiration date.  In addition to classroom instruction, this class includes range qualifications for each and every weapon up to the maximum allowed on the permit. Range fees, eye and ear protection and targets are included with the course (ammunition is the responsibility of the student). The course will cover the responsibilities and requirements for California CCW permitees. Passing the range qualification is required for successful completion of the course. The base fee covers up to 4 firearms on the permit. DGM Range Members may put up to 8 firearms on the permit at no extra charge. Currently, there is no limit to the number of firearms, but due to staff requirements for testing with additional firearms, there is an $25 charge for firearms # 5-8, and $25 per each additional 4 firearms thereafter.

Register for this class online

For additional class information see our CCW FAQ or if additional questions, call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy


Arizona CCW Permit

Instructor: Kyle Dau; Price - $200; Length – 8 hours; Prerequisites: None

  1. Attend 8-Hour CCW Class and Range
  2. Complete and submit provided Arizona paperwork and fingerprint card.

For class dates and space availability call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520

Our CCW class satisfies the requirements to apply for a Arizona CWP. Currently, an Arizona CWP allows you to carry concealed in 34 states. This changes occasionally, so verify before you travel with a loaded and/or concealed firearm.  Check the NRA Gun Laws page for up-to-date information. Application packets for an Arizona CWP are available at the Morena Store location or on-line at the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

For additional class information see our CCW FAQ; if additional questions, call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520

Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy


* Different states give different terms for licenses or permits to carry a concealed firearm, such as a Concealed Handgun License/Permit (CHL/CHP), Concealed Carry Weapons (CCW), Concealed (Defensive/Deadly) Weapon Permit/License (CDWL/CWP/CWL), Concealed Carry Permit/License (CCP/CCL), License To Carry (Firearms) (LTC/LTCF), Carry of Concealed Deadly Weapon license (CCDW), Concealed Pistol License (CPL), etc. Thirteen states use a single permit to regulate the practices of both concealed and open carry of a handgun.