DGM Training Courses

From beginner to developing competitor, the DGM Training Department encourages safe, ethical, responsible shooters that have the confidence to handle firearms in both a range setting and when needed for personal protection.

We offer the following courses:

DGM Handgun Skills Series

This series of classes presents students with the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for the effective use of a semi-automatic pistol. Each individual class builds on previous classes and adds new skills. Students are encouraged to repeat classes as often as desired to maintain effective use of their pistol. The classes are progressive and it is recommended to take them in order to achieve the best results.

DGM Judicious Use of Deadly Force

What every gun owner needs to know about self-defense law. As a gun owner, it is your responsibility to understand the laws regarding the use of deadly force in self defense and to be aware of what happens within the legal system when you use deadly force in self-defense. These topics and many others are explored in this course on the judicious use of deadly force.

AR-15 Fundamentals

The USCCA’s AR-15 Fundamentals course is designed to introduce responsible gun owners to the safe handling, proper maintenance, and effective use of AR-15-style rifles and to bring awareness to the usefulness of this platform in the context of civilian home defense and defense of life.