Class Description:
What every gun owner needs to know about self-defense law. As a gun owner, it is your responsibility to understand the laws regarding the use of deadly force in self defense and to be aware of what happens within the legal system when you use deadly force in self-defense. These topics and many others are explored in this course on the judicious use of deadly force.
Strategies include taking suspects at gunpoint, interacting with witnesses at the scene of a shooting or drawn gun incident, and interaction with responding and interrogating police officers. Other material covers tactics for dealing with armed robbers, home invaders, rapists, muggers, carjackers, and other assailants.
Selection of optimum firearms, ammunition, holsters and other accessories are covered but not emphasized. This is a software class more than a hardware class, devoted to the legal, ethical, and moral parameters of defending oneself and others with lethal force. The two points of emphasis are "street survival" and "court survival". Throughout, the thrust is on developing a mindset that allows you to cope with life-threatening stress while remaining totally defensible in a court of law. Judges and attorneys who've taken the class say that the deadly force training therein exceeds that taught in law school.
This class is taught by Kyle Dau who received his Use of Force Instructor Certification training personally from Massad Ayoob and Andrew Branca.
Price: $200
Includes: Lecture and class materials.
Class Length: 6 Hours
All students must show proof of having passed criminal record/character background check. Acceptable credentials include any valid concealed carry permit, recent firearm purchase, or letter from a police department confirming background.
Register for this class online
For additional class information call DGM Training at (619) 324-7520
Subject to DGM Training Department Cancellation Policy