Holster use at an indoor range has the potential for unsafe firearm handling due to the restricted area inherent in an indoor range environment. A public indoor range is NOT the venue to learn how to safely draw from or to practice live-fire quick-draw. IF a shooter is authorized by the range officer to use a holster, the following restrictions apply:
- Holster use is restricted to the following individuals: law enforcement officers, security guards, range members, active duty & reserve military service members and experienced competitive match shooters.
- All holsters must not allow the muzzle to deviate more than 90 degrees from directly ahead in any direction: no shoulder, cross-draw, ankle holsters, small of back or behind the back holsters.
- Firearm may only be loaded while immediately at the firing line. No movement around the range area with a loaded & holstered firearm. Movement around the range with an UNLOADED holstered firearm is allowed – but leaving the range with a holstered firearm is not permitted. No handling of firearm behind the line is permitted. Moving from holster to case must be performed at the firing line.
- Draw at a speed that is within your ability. If you wish to practice your draw to increase your speed, do it in a private environment (at home) with an UNLOADED firearm.
- All shooters – including sworn law enforcement officers (LEOs) must present an unloaded firearm for safety inspection. This is required by our insurance carrier. EXCEPTION: LEOs duty or carry guns are not required to be inspected if carried on their body.